Lab Members


Virginia Zakian
Principal Investigator
Henry C. Wiess Professor
Professor of Molecular Biology
Office Phone
103 Thomas Laboratory

Virginia A. Zakian is the Harry C. Weiss Professor in the Life Sciences in the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University. She received her B.S. in Biology from Cornell University and her Ph.D. in Biology in 1975 for research carried out in the lab of Dr. Joseph G. Gall at Yale University. In 1979, after three years of post…

Rachel Anderson
Undergraduate Student
Oxford - Princeton Exchange Student
Chi-fu Chen
Postdoctoral Fellow
Elshaddai Ephrem
Undergraduate Student
Cindy Follonier
Postdoctoral Fellow
Patricia Garcia
Graduate Student
Carly Lay Geronimo
Graduate Student
Mary Gidaro
Faculty Assistant
Tom Pohl
Postdoctoral Fellow
Thao Tran
Postdoctoral Fellow
Emilee Tu '16
Undergraduate Student
Linda Vo '15
Undergraduate Student
Michelle Warren
Lab Technician
Christopher Webb
Postdoctoral Fellow


Zakian Lab
Department of Molecular Biology
102 Thomas Laboratory
Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544

Phone: 609-258-2723

Faculty Assistant
Mary Gidaro
105 Thomas Laboratory
[email protected]  
Phone: 609-258-8956

Lab Website